Header & Footer - Address

950 Echo Lane, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77024

Header & Footer - Phone Number

Header & Footer - Address

950 Echo Lane, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77024

Header & Footer - Phone Number

Paul Clemons

IT work involves finding answers to complex questions. That challenge and process are what I love about my work. I thrive on finding solutions and troubleshooting technology systems, be it computer hardware or much broader networking or virtualization issues, discovering solutions and ways to optimize performance are what I do best!

I enjoy leading teams of no more than 10, as I want to contribute to the work and am not interested in just being a 'task manager'. I like to mentor and help my teams grow. The contributions we develop and expand together will always be stronger and more productive. I can successfully run a department and impact the overall achievement of my company, as my work history demonstrates, but I don't ever want to be hands-off the actual work and development process.

I have spent over 15 years in this field and it never gets old. I am challenged daily by a regularly changing landscape and new emerging technologies. I stay on top of these things to remain at the forefront of my field but also because I am just fascinated by it all. When your passion and your work coincide, it sure makes success easier to achieve!